
Outdoor Classroom


Kenmore Middle School is excited to energize the out-of-of the-school-box efforts which have begun by

 our Art and Living Skills department.  Here are the High 5! endeavors we are planning on:


1. Expanding our tree canopy and native plant habitat to support pollinators

2. Providing outdoor seating to support a classes who want/choose to learn/retreat outside

3. Growing a ‘Sensory Garden’

4. Planting edibles with, and to be potentially harvested by, students.

5. Acquiring some tools and signage to raise awareness and sustain gardens


Kenmore’s 2019 Garden Day, April 6, was a huge success!

We had over 60 volunteers give their time and energy to enhance our outdoor spaces:

    • We increased our campus tree canopy by planting 5 river birch trees.
    • Two blueberry bushes were planted and the entrance gardens were extended.
    • In the Sensory Garden, we planted lamb’s ear (touch), lavender (smell), sugar plant, oregano & thyme (taste).
    • IMG_9207We planted native plants who attract native insects who will attract native birds who will sing and engage our senses of hearing!
    • Perennials were planted in the entrance garden as well as the Butterfly Garden (now an official Monarch Way Station!)
    • Mr. Wilson worked with a team of helpers to beautify the Art Garden in the back.


Thanks to MOMs for not only supplying healthy snacks, but for also sending two volunteers to help us! Much gratitude to all who participated.  We not only made KMS grounds better, we helped Arlington’s eco-goals to get steps closer a Natureopolis (healthy, nature-rich city)!