
Contact for Military Families

Dear Military-Connected Students and Families,

Welcome to Kenmore Middle School! Our staff is eager to meet you and support your successful transition as you integrate into our campus community of thriving learners. We are committed to providing excellent educational opportunities to ensure all students served can reach their maximum potential. My name is Cherita Harrad, one of the Assistant Principals at Kenmore, and I am the campus point of contact for military students and families. You can email me at

We have a team dedicated to helping you and your child transition into or out of Kenmore.  These staff include:

  • Kaitlin Bresnahan, Director of Counseling
  • Emily Harvey, Registrar
  • Andy Paparella, Civics and Economics teacher (also deployed OIF ‘06-’07 to Baghdad, U.S. Army Reserve, 37F. Time in Service: 2002-2010)

We look forward to working with you as you enter a new education setting!


Christine Joy, Assistant Principal

The Arlington Public Schools webpage for military families provides additional information and resources, network support and advocacy.

Purple Star surrounded by words saying Purple star school.

Kenmore is now a Purple Star designated school!

The Virginia Purple Star Designation is awarded to military-friendly schools that have demonstrated a major commitment to students and families connected to our nation’s military. Kenmore Middle school has completed all the required activities and has been reviewed bythe Virginia Department of Education’s Military Student Support Process Action Team, formed by the Virginia Department of Education. Final approval was made by members of the Virginia Council on the Interstate Compact on the Educational Opportunity for Military Children.