
Arts & Communication Technology

Focus Program Overview

Kenmore Middle School is an arts and communications technology focus school where the arts and communications technology are integrated into the Arlington middle school curriculum.  Kenmore students are actively engaged everyday in learning activities which involve dance/movement, drama, visual arts, music and many forms of communications technology.  This delivery method provides students with alternative ways to learn and demonstrate mastery of the curriculum.

Based on Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, which states that people acquire knowledge through musical, visual, verbal, logical, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal and environmental cues, the program encourages students to use all eight intelligences.  Thus learning at Kenmore is active, hands-on and connected to real life experiences.

The Focus program has two goals:
1.  To integrate the arts and technology into instruction.
2.  To provide quality programming in the arts and technology.

What is Arts Integration?

Arts integration is an approach to teaching in which students construct and demonstrate understanding through an art form.  Students engage in a creative process which connects an art  form and another subject area and meets evolving objective in both.

Kenmore Middle School is proud to have been one of the original 16 schools in the  Washington, DC metropolitan area to be a member of the Kennedy Center’s Changing Education Through the Arts (CETA) program from 1999-2015.

For more information on Arts Integration, please click below: