
Arlington County Council of PTAs (CCPTA)

The Arlington County Council of PTAs (CCPTA) serves as the collective representative voice for all APS PTAs/PTSAs. The CCPTA advocates on their behalf to the Arlington School Board, Arlington County Board, and APS Superintendent and senior staff.

The CCPTA educates the leaders of its member PTAs/PTSAs and serve as a resource so they can be effective advocates for their respective school communities. The CCPTA engages member PTAs/PTSAs and encourage participation so that our voice is strong and representative of the county as a whole.

The sponsors the CCPTA Grant Fund, established in 2015, which provides targeted financial grants to those Arlington public schools in need of funding to accomplish specific, limited goals not otherwise funded by county or private sources.

For more information on the CCPTA, visit:

If you are interested in serving as Kenmore’s representative to the CCPTA, please