
Substance Abuse Counseling Information

Ms. Sexton

Jenny Sexton is a Substance Abuse Counselor with Arlington County Public Schools. Ms. Sexton provides prevention and intervention support to student, staff, and parents at Kenmore and Williamsburg Middle School. Ms. Sexton holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology and Sociology, with a minor in Administration of Justice, from the University of Virginia’s College at Wise; a Master of Arts in Forensic Psychology from Marymount University; and a Career Diploma in Substance Abuse Counseling from Penn Foster College. Currently, Ms. Sexton is a credentialed provider with certifications as a Certified Substance Abuse Counselor (CSAC) and a Forensic Addiction Counselor (FAC). Ms. Sexton has been working in the field of substance abuse and addiction for about 17 years.




If you are in crisis, take action! If someone you care about is in crisis, take action!

You have options:

  • Call 9-1-1
  • Go to the nearest emergency room at your local hospital
  • Call Arlington Emergency Mental Health 703-228-5160
  • Go to In Crisis Need Help Now? on the APS website for important phone numbers, tips for students and families, and links to emergency information.